Pickled Runner Beans
This recipe will ensure you will continue to enjoy your runner beans right through the winter. I love this pickle particularly with pork pie and cold meats at Christmas.
Make sure your jars are clean then place in an oven at 100°C (Gas Mark ¼, 212°F) for half an hour to sterilise.
You will need a large saucepan or casserole. Pour 300ml of the vinegar in the pan and add the onions. Bring to the boil and simmer with a lid on for 15 minutes.
In a separate pan cook the sliced beans for five minutes then strain in a colander.
In a small bowl place the curry powder, turmeric, mustard powder and cornflour and add a few tbsp of the unused vinegar and mix to a smooth paste. Stir in the mustard seeds.
Add the rest of the vinegar and the sugar to the pan containing the onions, increase the heat and stir until the sugar has dissolved. Add the paste and stir then add the beans and sliced chillies. Bring the whole lot to the simmer and cook for 15 minutes.
Stir well then ladle into warm sterilised jars. Place the tops on and label when the jars have cooled. Keep for 4-6 weeks before eating.
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