Blog Post
Recharging batteries
I write this time from the South of France. As my readers already know I spend a few weeks here each year and have established friendships with the French people in the village. We have shared a few laughs this week when I admitted England had managed to leave Europe twice in one week.
I am certainly not going to talk about politics or football as I don't have the skills for neither one nor the other.
Quiet time in France provides breathing space for inspirational thinking and also time to entertain friends. Mates come over for a few days and the outdoor life, simple fresh food and wine is a real tonic. This weekend is the annual village festival and 100 or so will gather for food, drink and merriment.
It must be great when you can more or less guarantee the weather. I cannot imagine being able to arrange such an event in Britain without some huge contingency plan for when the clouds break. Having said all that as much as I love France, it's food, culture, language and weather I love more my own country and everything it offers.
Back at home my kitchen is my office, shop floor, boardroom, gym, factory, laboratory, restaurant and family space. It is buzzing all the time so much so that I need to walk away from it from time to time to take stock. When home is also the work place I think it is important to know when to "clock-off". I have to admit I am not that good at it – having said that Mary Berry herself described me as a perfectionist – so there you go. Recipes are rolling out as you will see if you follow me on social media. Last week I was asked for my Apple and Cinnamon Scone recipe. I love a flavoured scone and this one works very well with cheese.
Talk soon – time for a vin blanc !
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