Blog Post
It’s the first day of Spring
I am writing my blog post this week and the sun is shining showing up the grime on the windows and dust fairies flying around the house. The longer days do however bring with them an energy surge and this week I have made a good start in the garden, clearing away the remnants of a stormy winter and in the kitchen my attention turns to Easter preparations.
Earlier on in the week I shared a photograph of my silk eggs which some followers told me they liked. I make them every year and the children love to get involved and they are fantastic “easter egg hunt” jewels or simply put them in a bowl or basket – they are lovely. The grandchildren, having hunted them out of the garden (or the house if its raining) then take them home as prizes. Please don’t allow them to eat them though as one of mine did last year – they are not poisonous or anything, just a little old.
I made a dozen this week. You must buy white eggs so that the colours transfer well – the main supermarkets sell them but check on line first to make sure they are in stock.
The next thing you need is pure silk – polyester doesn’t work. I use Tim’s old silk ties. They make amazing patterns on the eggs and quite unexpected ones too.
Cut the silk into 10cm square pieces (or thereabouts). I then use metal twist fasteners (the ones you get with rolls of plastic bags) to secure it pattern side towards the egg. Then you need to cover this with plain white cloth. I used an old stretch cotton sheet which was easy to fix then tied this at the end with string.
Place the prepared eggs in a large saucepan, cover with cold water then 3 tbsp white vinegar. Bring to the boil and simmer for 20 minutes.
Take from the pan with tongs then allow to cool. Remove the material and you will be delighted at the results.
Have a go !
Easter baking is a time to get the children involved especially as the school holidays are looming again. We have heard this week about the sugar tax, problems with obesity and the threat to our children’s health. I still maintain portion size and home cooking, thereby controlling the amount of sugar and fat we consume is probably fundamental.
If you take the time to bake yourself you are in control of the ingredients and there are no hidden salts and sugars being included to improve taste and that famous “sell by date”.
The recipe I am sharing this week is gluten free and I have deliberately reduced the sugar and fat – you will not be disappointed with the results. Have a go and if you do not want the gluten free option just use self raising flour instead where indicated.
Have a good week readers ! I must be on it this week because I usually write on Sunday night but this week I am writing Sunday morning. Must be a sign that spring is on its way !
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